Shipping Fee

Following table is rules of shipping fee and delivery time for your reference:


Shipping Fee


Registration Fee


Delivery time

(Working Days)

Australia 17.2 5.2 7-14
Belgium 15.3 4.0 7-14
Canada 19.1 4.1 7-14
Czech 16.6 2.9 7-14
Denmark 18.1 4.5 7-14
Dermany 17.1 3.4 7-14
France 13.6 3.1 7-14
Hungary 17.4 2.8 7-14
Ireland 18.1 5.0 7-14
Israel 17.2 5.2 7-14
Italy 12.1 4.0 7-14
Japan 9.0 4.5 7-14
Korean 1.7 3.6 7-14
Lithuania 18.1 2.8 7-14
Luxembourg 15.3 5.0 7-14
Netherlands 16.9 3.6 7-14
Ploand 15.5 2.4 7-14
Portugal 17.9 3.1 7-14
Slovakia 16.9 2.8 7-14
Slovenia 16.0 3.4 7-14
Spain 11.9 3.1 7-14
Sweden 17.4 3.4 7-14
Switzerland 32.8 3.1 7-14
United Kingdom 15.5 3.1 7-14
USA 20.5 3.3 7-14

For example, a package weighing 0.5kg is ready to be shipped to USA, that the shipping fee would be:

20.5(USD/kg) * 0.5(kg) + 3.3(USD) = 13.55(USD).

For other countries and regions:

0~0.5kg, $35

0.51~1kg, $45

1.01~1.5kg, $55

1.51~2kg, $65

2~3kg, $85

3~4kg, $105


If your package is heavier than 4kg, please contact

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